Category - Yorkie


How to groom a Yorkshire Terrier

Grooming a dog requires the expertise of a professional groomer, especially for dogs like Yorkshires. However, in addition to the inconvenience of having to travel, this can be a very expensive process. Fortunately, it’s...


How to care for baby Yorkshires Terriers?

Unlike humans, dogs, and therefore Yorkshires Terriers, are considered mature at puberty. At this age, their behavior changes. However, if you have a baby Yorkie, you may be wondering when you can separate him from his mother...


The origins of Yorkshire

The Yorkshire is a little dog that comes to us from England, from a county bearing the same name as this little dog. During the Industrial Revolution, he became a rat hunter in the mines, then a poacher and finally the favorite...


What is a Yorkie’s diet?

You’re looking after a Yorkie, and although you’re giving him all the love and attention you can muster, it still doesn’t solve a very important problem: you don’t know how to feed him. Every breed of dog...


9 Reasons Your Yorkie Might Be Walking Weird

If your Yorkie is walking strangely, it could be a sign of an underlying issue that requires attention. Here are nine reasons why your Yorkie might be walking weird: 1. Back or Spine Problems: Yorkies are prone to back problems...