Category - Dogs


How to care for baby Yorkshires Terriers?

Unlike humans, dogs, and therefore Yorkshires Terriers, are considered mature at puberty. At this age, their behavior changes. However, if you have a baby Yorkie, you may be wondering when you can separate him from his mother...


The origins of Yorkshire

The Yorkshire is a little dog that comes to us from England, from a county bearing the same name as this little dog. During the Industrial Revolution, he became a rat hunter in the mines, then a poacher and finally the favorite...


What is a Yorkie’s diet?

You’re looking after a Yorkie, and although you’re giving him all the love and attention you can muster, it still doesn’t solve a very important problem: you don’t know how to feed him. Every breed of dog...


Top 10 dog breeds that bite the most in France

Every time a dog kills a child, the media revive the “dangerous dog” controversy. The InVS (Institut français de veille sanitaire) (French Institute for Health Monitoring) has looked into the factors associated...


9 Reasons Your Yorkie Might Be Walking Weird

If your Yorkie is walking strangely, it could be a sign of an underlying issue that requires attention. Here are nine reasons why your Yorkie might be walking weird: 1. Back or Spine Problems: Yorkies are prone to back problems...