Category - Dogs


9 Signs You’re A Yorkie Helicopter Parent

Being a pet parent is a rewarding and challenging job. If you constantly monitor your pet and obsess over every detail, you may be a pet helicopter parent. Cringe every time you drop your pup at daycare? Post more pics of your...


10 Things People Do That Yorkie Can’t Stand

Yorkshire Terriers, with their tiny size and big personalities, are delightful companions. However, like any other breed, these pint-sized pups have their quirks and preferences. In this article, we’ll explore 10 things...


What is a Yorkshire: how to recognize it?

The Yorkshire, also known as the Yorkshire terrier, is a small dog. Originating in Great Britain, Yorkshire Terriers have long been used to hunt rats. Thanks to its size, the Yorkshire has the ability to sneak into rodent burrows...


How to groom a Yorkshire Terrier

Grooming a dog requires the expertise of a professional groomer, especially for dogs like Yorkshires. However, in addition to the inconvenience of having to travel, this can be a very expensive process. Fortunately, it’s...