Dachshunds, with their long bodies and friendly personalities, make delightful companions. As devoted pet owners, it’s only natural to want to ensure our Dachshunds lead happy and fulfilled lives. However, there are times...
Category - Dachshund
12 Ways Your Dachshunds Demonstrate Just How Much They Care About You
Dachshunds, with their unique long bodies and playful personalities, have a special way of worming their way into our hearts. Beyond their adorable appearance and charming antics, these little dogs are experts at expressing their...
14 Signs You’re a Helicopter Dachshund Parent
Are you the type of dog parent who hovers over your Dachshund’s every move, always ready to swoop in and save the day? If so, you might be a helicopter Dachshund parent. While it’s natural to want the best for our...
Study Proves That Your Dachshund Really Is Deliberately Manipulating You
Dachshunds, with their long bodies and soulful eyes, have a knack for getting what they want. If you’ve ever felt like your Dachshund is a master manipulator, you might be onto something. Recent studies suggest that these...
The Position Your Dachshund Sleeps Tells You A Lot About Them. Here Are 7 Positions And Its Meaning
Dachshunds are not only known for their charming appearance and playful personalities but also for their unique sleeping habits. The positions your Dachshund assumes during nap time can provide fascinating insights into their...
The 10 Rules For Dachshund owners
1. Understand Their Unique Needs: Dachshunds have specific needs due to their elongated bodies and predisposition to back problems. Educate yourself about their breed characteristics, health issues, and dietary requirements to...
What are the symptoms and causes of disease and their treatment in the Dachshund?
Although robustly built, your Dachshund is still prone to certain illnesses. A dog, like any other animal, has clear warning signs that he’s about to get sick. Contents Symptoms of illnessCauses of illnessDachshund...
Diseases that can affect dachshund females and males
In addition to the various Dachshund diseases, females and males can also suffer from other specific illnesses. Summary Female diseasesNervous pregnancyOvarian cystsEclampsiaMastitisVaginitisMeritVulvitisMale diseasesPenis...
How to keep your Dachshund’s nails, ears, teeth and eyes clean
Although your Dachshund is very hardy and odorless, you’ll still need to pay special attention to its cleanliness since you’ll be allowing it to live inside your home. Apart from brushing and bathing, hygiene of...
4 more exercises for training your Dachshund
Walking behind the master The command: “back Equipment: noose collar, training leash and a few dry twigs Put on the training leash and give the command “heel”, followed by a few “sit”...
7 basic training exercises for your Dachshund
Walking at heel for minor errors: “no”, in a soft voicefor a serious mistake: “pfft”, in a dry, stern voice.The aim of this exercise is to teach your dog to follow you, whatever the course, while staying...
How to train a Dachshund puppy
The start of training Once you’ve finished training, you’ll be delighted to see how proud your dog is to do what you tell him to do. Don’t forget that your Dachshund has a tendency to disobey and is stubborn, so...
7 Amazing Signs That Show Your Dachshund Has You Trained
Dachshunds are clever and independent dogs known for their strong personalities. While they may be small in size, they have a knack for training their owners to cater to their every need. Here are seven amazing signs that show...
12 Reasons Why A Dachshund Shouldn’t Be Trusted
While Dachshunds are beloved companions for many, there are some traits and tendencies that might make you think twice about trusting them completely. Here are 12 reasons why a Dachshund shouldn’t be blindly trusted: 1...
Research Shows That The Dachshund Can Understand Human Language?
Dachshunds, like many other dog breeds, possess a remarkable ability to understand human language to some extent. While they may not comprehend language in the same way that humans do, research and anecdotal evidence suggest that...