In addition to the various Dachshund diseases, females and males can also suffer from other specific illnesses.

Female diseases
Nervous pregnancy
Ovarian cysts
Male diseases
Penis alteration
Female diseases
Nervous pregnancy
The female Dachshund may behave, more than a bitch of any other breed, as if she were pregnant without having had intercourse with a male.
She’ll forget to feed, moan and start preparing a diaper for the so-called newborns. Even her udders may swell.
Nervous pregnancy is not very common, however, and only affects virgin females.
Rarely does it occur, but if it does, consult your veterinarian, who will decide with you whether the ovaries and uterus should be removed.
Ovarian cysts
Ovarian cysts are rare in bitches, as the follicles remain liquid.
If they do occur, however, your bitch will be permanently in heat and will probably be unable to procreate.
Your veterinarian will have to remove the ovaries and uterus to cure her.
When the bitch is ready to give birth, and even more often after the birth of her puppies, she may have a seizure similar to an epileptic fit.
She first sways, then falls on her side; her legs become stiff and she throws them in the air; she begins to drool.
All these symptoms may disappear as they came, but as it’s impossible to predict a recurrence, you’ll need to call your vet, who will prescribe a sedative or calcium salts in the form of injections.
He’ll also decide whether it’s a good idea to let her continue nursing the puppies; the excess calcium could be harmful to them.
Female Dachshunds are prone to eclampsia.
Mastitis is the inflammation of one or more udders.
This inflammation is caused by a blow, bacterial infection or congestion, and leads to lesions on the nipple.
The puppies are often the culprits, especially if the mother doesn’t have enough milk.
The bitch then distances herself from the puppies, since every time they suckle, she feels pain caused by the tugging of the teats.
Your vet will treat your Dachshund with antibiotic-based medication.
Vaginitis can also occur after whelping.
If your bitch suffers from this condition, you’ll notice that she becomes nervous and loses blood through her vulva.
Your veterinarian will treat your bitch with the appropriate antibiotics.
Merit is inflammation of the uterus.
It is caused by infections resulting from retained fetal envelopes. It can also occur during childbirth.
You’ll notice a foul-smelling, bloody liquid secretion.
The female will lose her appetite, become physically weak and lose milk; her temperature will sometimes rise to over 40° C (104° F).
Call the vet immediately: he’ll prescribe the appropriate medication and antibiotics to bring the fever down.
Keeping her diaper and genitals clean when she gives birth is the best way to prevent this disease.
Application of an antibiotic-based ointment should suffice.
Male diseases
Alteration of the penis
There are 2 possible cases:
inflammation of the penis caused by trauma
fracture of the penile bone during mating or when struck by an obstacle.
The veterinarian, who should be consulted immediately, will administer antibiotics in the case of inflammation, or perform surgery in the case of fracture.
Orchitis is the inflammation of one or 2 of your Dachshund’s testicles.
It’s almost always caused by a blow to the genitals. Sometimes, the presence of microbes can trigger orchitis.
To soothe your dog, apply warm, moist compresses soaked in sodium sulfate.
Consult your vet if infection is present. He’ll prescribe the appropriate antibiotics.