The start of training
Once you’ve finished training, you’ll be delighted to see how proud your dog is to do what you tell him to do.
Don’t forget that your Dachshund has a tendency to disobey and is stubborn, so you’ll have to go a long way with him to achieve the final result.

If you don’t feel up to it, we recommend that you enlist the help of a professional trainer, chosen wisely after seeking advice from those around you and, above all, from a dog adviser, whose advice should be taken seriously.
First part of training
The first part of Dachshund training is aimed at getting the animal to understand the constraints of everyday life:
not to bark when told not to
not to relieve himself where prohibited
know how to stay on a leash
not to steal
respond to its name
walk close to you if you tell him to, etc.
Second part of training
The second part of training will make your Dachshund physically and morally mature enough to obey, and develop a strong sense of ownership.
This phase of training begins when your Dachshund is around 7 months old.
Remember, the Dachshund needs a master. He will obey those who know how to make him respect them and give him clear orders.
If, during training, your dog becomes skittish, remember that you alone are responsible.
Your companion needs to be dominated; be authoritative, give appropriate orders but always remain fair.
Dachshunds have very good memories. A skilled trainer can make the animal understand many different words.
It’s even possible, thanks to his intelligence, to get him to answer certain questions with gestures.
Don’t jeopardize your dog’s future and your relationship with him by poor training; it’s worth the effort.
Dachshund puppy
Dachshund puppy
Puppy training
It’s a good idea to get your puppy used to satisfying his needs outdoors from an early age. Assign him a fixed place for this purpose, one that will remain his own.
Don’t scold your dog until the precise moment he does something wrong; once that moment has passed, there’s no way he’ll understand why he’s being punished.
Be aware that your Dachshund, like other dogs, can only link cause and effect if the 2 acts are simultaneous.
Compliment and reward your young dog every time he does what you ask.
This method is excellent: your puppy will repeat the same gestures to receive his reward, and this repetition will make them habitual gestures.
Never rub your puppy’s nose over the cause of his misbehavior: this gesture is totally useless, and even harmful.
If your puppy does something wrong, scold him immediately. If he does his business where he’s not allowed to, take him outside to show him the place reserved for him.
Your Dachshund, though sometimes disobedient, is clean by instinct.
If he sniffs the ground or tries to isolate himself, take him straight to the place reserved for his needs.
Educating your dog is a good thing, but it’s not enough: you’ll also have to educate your family; puppies imitate everything, so you mustn’t give them bad examples.
Don’t be lazy, and don’t indulge in approximate training – it never works.
If you’re thinking of having your Dachshund trained by specialists, be aware that good training could cost you 2 or even 3 times the price you paid for the dog.
But it’s a worthwhile investment if you take into account the services your companion will render you.
Your Dachshund, by becoming a good companion and guard dog, will easily cover your expenses: you’ll be happy to be the master of a properly trained dog.