Dachshunds are known for their energetic personalities and independent nature. While they make great companions, they can also be quite stubborn and assertive at times.

Here are 9 signs that your dachshund may think he’s the boss of the household.
He will Not Play Throw and Fetch with Radom Objects
Dachshunds love to play fetch and will often bring their owners whatever they can find, whether it’s a ball or not. If your dachshund insists on playing fetch with random objects, it’s a sign that he’s in charge of the playtime activities.
Sharing the Bed
While it may seem cute and cozy to share a bed with your dachshund, it’s important to remember that dogs should not be allowed on the bed or furniture. If your dachshund sleeps in your bed, it’s a sign that he’s taken over the bed as his own.
More Clothes Than You
Dachshunds are known for their love of clothing and accessories. If your dachshund has more outfits than you do, it’s a sign that he’s the one dictating the fashion choices in your household.
Your Dog Won’t Let You Use the Laptop
Dachshunds are known for being protective of their owners and their belongings. If your dachshund won’t let you use the laptop or other personal items, it’s a sign that he’s asserting his dominance over you.
Your Dog Doesn’t Want You Go for Weekend Trip
Dachshunds are known to be very attached to their owners and may have separation anxiety when left alone. If your dog gets upset when you plan a weekend trip, it’s a sign that he’s become very dependent on you and doesn’t want you to leave.
Your Dog Follows You to The Toilet
Dachshunds are known to be very curious and will often follow their owners wherever they go. If your dachshund follows you to the toilet, it’s a sign that he’s trying to be the boss!
Your Dog Gets Everything Personalized
Dachshunds love to have their own things, like bowls, beds, and even clothing. If your dachshund has everything personalized with his name on it, it’s a sign that he’s trying to establish himself as the boss of the household.
Your Dog Has More Christmas Gifts Than You Partner
Dachshunds love to be pampered and often receive many gifts from their owners. If your dog has more gifts than your partner, it’s a sign that he’s the one calling the shots when it comes to gifts.
Your Dog Eats First Before You Eat
Dachshunds are known to be very energetic and loves meals and good treats and will often eat before their owners. If your dog eats first before you eat, it’s a sign that he’s trying to be the boss!
It’s important to remember that dachshunds are independent and assertive by nature, and these behaviors are not necessarily a bad thing. However, it’s important to establish boundaries and set rules to ensure that your dachshund knows his place in the household. With proper training and guidance, you can enjoy a happy and healthy relationship with your dachshund and all the family members.