Walking at heel

for minor errors: “no”, in a soft voice
for a serious mistake: “pfft”, in a dry, stern voice.
The aim of this exercise is to teach your dog to follow you, whatever the course, while staying at your side, always to your left, without overtaking you or staying behind.
Commands: “heel” and “go”.
Equipment: noose collar and training leash
Punishments :
By the end of this exercise, your Dachshund will know how to walk properly on a leash without pulling on the collar.
Put on the slip-knot collar to which you’ve attached the training lead. Place the dog on your left, so that his shoulder is level with your knee and his paws are level (more or less) with the toes of your shoes.
The space between your knee and the dog should be about 10 cm. Make sure that the line of your dog’s spine remains perfectly perpendicular to the vertical of your leg.
Your dog will need to get used to walking straight and not get into the bad habit of walking at an angle.
When you start the walking exercise, hold the leash in your right hand; your left hand should be close to the snap hook, always ready to direct your dog’s first attempts.
Your Dachshund, who has always been free to move up to this point, will be surprised, but don’t pay any attention to him.
Give him the command “heel” to get him into the right position; then give him the command “go” to start walking.
When you give the command “heel”, it’s very important to hit your left thigh at the same time.
When you give the “go” command, wave your hand to indicate when it’s time to go.
Your dog will make a few mistakes on his first attempts; help him by having him repeat the exercise, correcting his mistakes without getting angry.
If your dog moves away from your knee, correct him by having him do the exercise along a wall.
The command: “sit
Equipment: metal noose collar and training leash
Location: on the track
The aim of this exercise is to teach your dog to sit when you give him the command.
Give him the command “heel”, then “sit”, pressing down on his rump while keeping his chin in the correct position.
Then teach him to respond to the signals.
Stand at attention and give the command “sit” while extending your right arm at right angles to your body.
The dog will quickly understand that the outstretched arm and the “sit” command have the same meaning.
Barking on command
The commands: “bark” and “enough”.
Equipment: Metal noose collar and training leash
Tie him to a post or tree with his leash. Stand in front of him and, with your index finger pointing in his direction, give him the command “bark” and threaten him by waving your index finger.
Obviously, the dog won’t react, so move away.
The dog won’t be able to follow you because he’s tied up; he’ll react by barking, so you’ll have to turn around immediately, giving the command “bark” again while waving the index finger. Praise him.
As soon as your dog responds without hesitation, get him used to barking at an unusual situation or a strange object.
Teach him to be quiet by squeezing his muzzle with your right hand and repeating “enough” over and over again.
As soon as he’s done this, give him a hearty round of praise.
Foot call
The command: “Come
Equipment: metal noose collar and leash
You’ve probably already trained your dog to run to you as soon as you say his name.
This exercise will teach him to stand beside your left foot or in front of it, depending on the command you give him.
For this exercise, keep your dog on a leash. Throw a stone or other object away from you, but no more than 6 m, and tell him to go and get it.
As soon as he gets close to the stone, give him the command “come” and pull on the leash to force him to return.
Pet him and praise him.
The command: “Stop”.
Equipment: noose collar, leash and ultrasonic whistle
This is an important exercise, as it will prevent him from attacking for no reason. Give the “sit” command
Stand in front of your dog and, after a few moments of immobility, give the command “come” by raising your arm.
As soon as he starts to approach, give the command “stop” by extending your right arm, palm facing forward.
Lie down
The command: “lie down
Equipment: noose collar and training leash
Give your Dachshund the “sit” command and, as soon as he’s in the sitting position, take the lead in your left hand, close to the snap hook that attaches it to the collar, and give the “down” command.
With your right hand, push him down to force him to lie down,