
12 Sweet Signs Your Yorkie Considers You Its Mother

5. Grooming Behavior:

Licking your hands, face, or hair is a common behavior in dogs that signifies affection and bonding, much like how a puppy might groom its mother or littermates.

6. Leaning on You:

When your dog leans against you or rests its head on your lap, it’s a sign of trust and dependence, much like a puppy seeking physical contact and reassurance from its mother.

7. Vocalizing for Attention:

Barking, whining, or vocalizing to get your attention is your dog’s way of communicating its needs and desires, much like a puppy calling out to its mother for guidance and support.

8. Eye Contact:

Maintaining eye contact with you demonstrates your dog’s trust and affection, much like how a puppy looks to its mother for guidance and approval.

9. Excited Greetings:

When your dog greets you enthusiastically, with wagging tail and joyful expressions, it’s a clear sign of their love and excitement at seeing you, much like how a puppy reacts when its mother returns after being away.